Are You A YES Person?
This has been on the forefront of my mind lately, as many opportunities have been flooding my reality, some gently nudging me to step...

The Commitment Saga
This has been a huge topic of conversation as of late in my life – the energetics of commitment. We seem to be in an ever-rapidly...

Cafe Discussions
As I sit in a crowded cafe in Calgary today, I'm filled with awe at the complexity of the human expression. Somehow, in some way so...

Turning Disappointments to Gold
Life is full of them. What makes the difference between a life of just making it by or a life of wild, exuberant living, is how we...

The Gift of Living in a SUB-ZERO Climate!
Did spring really show up early for us here in the Northern, very chilly area Edmonton, Alberta?? This seems almost too good to be...

Post Mayan Manifesting
It’s been more than one whole year now since the end of the Mayan calendar, an entire year to think about what happened, didn’t happen,...

Taking a Sip of Courage
For some of you, you may be thinking that I'm talking about a shot of bourbon. As much as I believe that this too serves its purpose, the...

The Power of Words
This may seem like a loaded, never-ending topic. Yes I agree. I'm engaging in an inner dialogue today on this very subject, as I reflect...

The Shadow of the Winter Season
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Does this sound familiar? How many times do we hear this phrase as the holiday season is...